Protect Your Site 24/7 With Our Premium Guard Dog Service
"H&H Security is the largest supplier of guard dogs in Sydney Metro & surrounding areas"
To find out how your site can benefit from a professional guard dog service just enter in your details and we'll call you within 24 hours.

We haven’t had a break in after the dogs were put in. Response is good and the service is punctual!
Albert - Managing Director AGM Constructions
H&H Security is the largest and most trusted provider of Guard Dogs in the Sydney metropolitan and surrounding areas.
Instant Security
At the end of the day an automatic mechanism is provided so that the dogs can be released from outside the perimeter fence after the cessation of work at your premises by one of your staff, therefore providing INSTANT SECURITY.
Major Deterrent
Warning signs alone are a major deterrent to would be intruders and can be displayed around the perimeter of the premises giving added protection as well as notifying the general public that there are guard dogs on the premises.
Reduced Manpower Needs
By using a Security Protection Dog Unit Guard Dog Team experienced in site protection, the manpower demanded to police large and difficult areas is reduced dramatically.
To find out how your site can benefit from a professional guard dog service just enter in your details and we'll call you within 24 hours.
Introducing 24/7 Premium Guard Dog Site Protection...
Gain the peace of mind that working with H&H Security guard dogs provides!
1 - Fully Self-Contained Kennel Placed On-Site
We provide a fully self-contained kennel to be placed on site for the dogs to be housed in. The kennel is fully enclosed with proper ventilation shafts inside, with an automatic mechanism so that the dogs can be released remotely.
2 - Work With The Best In The Business
H&H Security are the largest provider of Guard Dogs in the Sydney metropolitan and surrounding areas. Our Security Guard dog Kennels in West Hoxton are the largest registered security kennels in NSW.
3 - Guard Dogs Act As A Major Deterrent
Warning signs would be displayed around the perimeter of the premises giving added protection as well as notifying the general public that there are guard dogs on the premises.
4 - Reduced Security On-Site Manpower Needs
By using a Security Protection Dog Unit Guard Dog Teams experienced in on site protection, the manpower demanded to police large and difficult areas is reduced dramatically.
5 - Easily Cover A Wider Perimeter Area
Where the occasion arises on sites, a trained dog’s ability to detect by scent any unusual occurrence over a wide range, has proven to be a great advantage. In active zones the dog functions are to act as a psychological deterrent when on view to the public and personnel.
Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
Q.Are guard dogs cost effective?
A.Yes! Guard dogs don’t charge an hourly rate and they don’t need to have lunch breaks, or take time off. Many of our clients have benefited from the savings that they get from replacing guards with guard dogs.
Q.Who's insurance covers any potential liabilities?
A.H&H Security is fully insured for anything that may go wrong, including dogs escaping from the compound or someone being injured in relation to the animals. For further insurance details call us on 13oo 486 031 and we’ll go over everything.
Q.Who takes care of the dogs?
A.We do! As part of the service trained handlers will come out and work with the dogs each day. Your only responsibility is to release them each night upon cessation of site activity. The dogs are fed, groomed and trained by our staff.
Q.How does the service work?
A.We provide a fully self-contained kennel to be placed on site for the dogs to be housed in. The kennel is fully enclosed with proper ventilation shafts inside, with an automatic mechanism so that the dogs can be released from outside the perimeter fence after the cessation of work at your premises by one of your staff, therefore providing INSTANT SECURITY.
Q.What types of dogs do you supply?
A.We supply fully trained and tested German Shepherd and Rottweiler guard dogs.
Q.What type of sites are guard dogs appropriate for?
A.We have two types of Security Guard Dogs: Compound Security and Patrol Security.
Security Guard Dogs are ideal for Construction sites, Industrial warehouses & complexes.
Patrol Guard Dogs come with a handler (also a security guard) and are ideal for Car parks, Special events, Car yards, Sporting events, Exhibitions, Street patrols and many more places…